Child Care Control Console download

Child Care Control Console is a smallchild care utility for parents and adults
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Version: 1.0 (x86)
File name: child_care_control_console.msi
Size: 2.8 MB

Additional links

Download the latest version from the developer's website
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Latest versions of Child Care Control Console

1.0 (latest)

Alternative software

Beyond Remote Console
Beyond Remote Console

It's a remote control program that lets you control another computer.

PC Time Limit
PC Time Limit

It allows you to set time limits on computer usage, per user.

Computer Time Limiter
Computer Time Limiter

Its a parental control software that imposes limits on computer time usage.

User Time Control Center
User Time Control Center

This app allows you to set limits on how much time your child spends on the PC.

Computer Rental Controller
Computer Rental Controller

Computer program that allows you to rent or sell computer time on your computer.